add Flag to stop CPU folding
this way with a simple bat file
real temp or core temp can halt cpu folding if cpu hits a temp set by user
or add a built in core temp setting ?
i have a bat now that just closes tracker but with flags i can stop only the one that's over heating
this make life easy for people when the bad heat waves hit
or best yet when the flag is used just have a stop and pause for 2hrs (or a user set time) then restart
this way with a simple bat file
real temp or core temp can halt cpu folding if cpu hits a temp set by user
or add a built in core temp setting ?
i have a bat now that just closes tracker but with flags i can stop only the one that's over heating
this make life easy for people when the bad heat waves hit
or best yet when the flag is used just have a stop and pause for 2hrs (or a user set time) then restart