by Shamgar75 Thu May 05, 2011 7:06 am
Ok, latest update (I'm at work now, so no more testing until tonight!!), but before I left for work and went back into the BIOS.
Here's the deal, the one thing I did change that got changed back when I hit the defaults, was right there at the front of the EFI BIOS, is 3 little settings. Quiet, Normal, and Performance. On normal we get the CPU running like I reported last night, but only at 250PPD give or take running the SMP proggy. AND we get the GPU only producing at that 7700PPD rate.
I set that to Performance this morning and rebooted. I opened up Tracker V2 and my PPD on the SMP was now 500PPD and the GPU was back to the 15K PPD.... BUT My core voltage was again at that 1.280, and the temp quickly rose back up to 80°C. Although from what I can tell the performance setting is all within the standard operating range of the processor!!!
So, something in that performance setting is also affecting the PCI-E slot I'm assuming since I'm getting lower performance from my GTX 560. So now I'm going to research what changes occur between the Normal to the Performance setting!!!
I think this also means that either there is indeed a thermal issue with the CPU or the stock fan really does (or doesn't as the case may be) blow!!!!